Portrait Photoshoot, Headshots: Stanka Bujdova

“A portrait session is an amazing experience for women because we always complain about how we look and we don't like this or that about ourselves. To all ladies you can be whoever you want to be and especially when you are in the studio.. I certainly was!”

We had the pleasure of photographing the gorgeous Stanka who, you wouldn’t believe after seeing her glamourous portraits with us, works as a security officer. Despite only being in her late 20’s Stanka walked into our studio with such a fun and confident energy, she’d had a ‘traditional’ photoshoot before when she was younger, but wanted to experience the great atmosphere of having your photo taken and ‘being the star of the show again’, she certainly came to the right place! Stanka loves to start her day with swimming and afterwards meeting up with her girls and having a laugh. It was wonderful to see how amazing she felt after her shoot having said it boosted her confidence and was proud to say “I am beautiful the way I am even if I have extra kilos on my belly :).”